
Commodity Options ( Gold Options) will be launched - MCX. 17.10.17 (Tuesday)

Commodity Options ( Gold Options) will be launched - MCX. 17.10.17 (Tuesday)

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This day will be historic day for Commodity derivatives market in India.
On this date India's first Commodity Options ( Gold Options) will be launched on India's number 1 Commodity Exchange, MCX. This development has great significance as it's exactly after 14 years of futures launch. Remember Commodity futures trading started in 2003.

Hedgers :
The Options launch will also fulfill need of cost effective hedging instruments for bullion dealers and jewellers of India.

Jobbers will be back to Commodity market as cost for trading Options is very low. ( Two important points here. 1. The CTT will be only 0.05 % and it will be levied on premium amount only. 2. There is NO transaction charges by exchange for trading in Options till December, 17.).

Arbitrager will get more opportunities for Difference in Future and Options, between call and put options, between spot and options, between different strikes of same month, between same strikes of different months, between different strikes of different months ( Lots of strategies).

Members/ Brokers:

Members/brokers will get New clients for Options as Investment required will be low ( only premium amount for buyers).

Traders will enjoy as there will be limited Loss and Unlimited profit (for buyers).

Let's make, Gold Options - A great success.